Sunday, May 25, 2008

What Really Matters

I made another deliciously dangerous discovery: a GREAT Chinese place in my neighborhood that delivers! I had spotted them in the shopping plaza of my nearest supermarket and decided today, while dropping off some movie rentals, to give them a try. Holy cow is this good stuff! Probably the best egg drop soup I've had in years, a shrimp dish loaded with the little guys, and a totally interesting (and tasty) variation on crab rangoon I've never encountered before. Who needs Chinatown?

I've set aside this weekend to just relax and be a bit of a homebody, a welcome remedy to the hustle of the last few weeks. It's been nice so far.

There have been a couple of other good discoveries over the past few days. Yesterday, I took Atlas to a local vet's office to update his vaccines and get some exams completed in order to get his pet license and permit for the free play dog parks here in the city. Several hundred (!) dollars later, I found out that the office I had randomly chosen for its proximity is consistently recognized as one of the best in the city by various local publications. And they WERE nice and very professional. Just pricey.

Last night, I hosted my first dinner for friends at the new place and, yes, it is as glorious to cook in the kitchen as I thought. The best? The dishwasher. As I dirtied a dish, I popped it into the washer, and ran the whole thing at the end of the night. Glorious!

On Friday, I took an alternate route home from work, avoiding the tollway completely. While it took considerably longer than the 32 minutes estimated on, the best part was discovering that it should be an entirely scooter-friendly route to and from the office. Traffic moved the whole time, and the speed limit never reached above 45 mph. Now I just have get the bike up here, and get my IL license squared away.

I have a little more lazing about to do in order to make the weekend just right...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are making me hungry. Chinatown is a long way from your part of town. You can take the red line all the way down to it. If you go try Pheonix. It is good also. Trey loves the pictures of Atlas.