Monday, April 21, 2008

Done Deal

The offer was extended and accepted last Thursday. I am moving to Chicago in a little less than three weeks. A LITTLE LESS THAN THREE WEEKS!

Telling friends, family, and coworkers over the past five days has been tough. The whole idea of this has been nice to dream about, but the relational cost, even just in causing hurt or disappointment in those I love, has been difficult to see. The good news is that I've also received a lot of encouragement and enthusiasm, for which I am thankful.

I travel up this Thursday to find an apartment. I have one appointment with an apartment search firm on that first afternoon. I also continue to troll Craigslist, and have generated a list of about 20 individual listings with which I can follow up. I think Atlas is beginning to resent my time in front of the computer.

As details settle, plans are made, I find myself getting more excited.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fear and Trembling

No one yet knows of this blog. I'm excited the name was available. Anticipating that I will miss friends and family dearly, I hope this helps to bridge the distance.

The work interview was yesterday, and it went well. It seems all are on board with my company for the transfer. I am thankful for their responsiveness, especially my superiors here in St. Louis. I've not yet received the official offer, although it was made fairly clear in the interview it was forthcoming. Salary and start dates have yet to be locked in also, but my current supervisor is thinking mid-May at the earliest. One month. One month to uproot my life.

I spent some time at Barnes and Noble today, originally looking for a map. I walked out with a book titled "Newcomer's Handbook for Moving To and Living In Chicago". Perfect, right? It has a lot of good information about setting up utilities, parking permits, etc.

I've been trolling craigslist and the Chicago Reader website for apartment listings. I wouldn't mind living alone (with pooch, of course), but also wouldn't mind the built-in connections of roommate, not to mention the more-bang-for-your-rental-dollar you get with a two bedroom (and split utilities!). But who? How do you find a good roommate, who is right now a stranger? The book lists some roommate pairing websites. One costs $20 for a month. May be a good investment.

My head is swimming. I want to get the salary locked in, then I can finalize budgets and move forward from there.

Mostly, I want this planning bit to be over, because once the big stuff is out of the way, I think this really could be a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading.


It's always good to start a new venture with a prayer, right?

Oh Lord, bless your name. Before words of my plans or dreams are even formed, let your goodness be known.

I am as scared by the venture as I am excited. Help me to not live in fear.

I do not know whom I will meet, when or how new relationships will come my way. Help me to be wise and to live in love.

There are many obstacles I cannot forsee. Be merciful, and guard me with your justice.

There are a lot of plans to make. Teach me shrewdness and bless my path.

I will miss my family and friends dearly. Unite us in love.

Thank you for your goodness. You alone are good.
