Monday, May 26, 2008

Neighborhood Field Trip: Lincoln Square

Not to be confused with swanky Lincoln Park to the southeast, Lincoln Square is a cushy 15-minute walk and bus ride from home, and I'm banking on it to fulfill my Entitled White Boy Yuppie need to have espresso, sushi, cinema, and a good microbrew within as tight a radius as possible.

Lincoln Square fulfills that requirement in spades. Less overtly "hip" (and a good deal smaller than) Wicker Park, Lincoln Square is an old German immigrant neighborhood that has, in recent years, blossomed as young families have moved in to the local area, and brought their disposable income and wide palates and appetites with them. It basically consists of about a half mile stretch of Lincoln Avenue, one of the few Chicago streets than run at a diagonal to the otherwise predictable grid.

Along that diagonal is a great assortment of world cuisines--Greek, Italian, French, Thai, Japanese, and, in a nod to the roots of the area, a traditional beerhaus. I counted no fewer than four coffeeshops, and at least as many pubs. There were giftshops, a used bookstore, an old fashioned apothecary that makes its own line of cosmetics, and a wide variety of specialty shops. The whole stretch ends with a massive branch of the Chicago Public Library and a great city park with fountains and ballfields.

I met my friend, Jenn, for a pilsner and ogling of the bakery case at the Cafe Selmarie. We sat on the patio and caught up on current events before hitting the streets. Jenn has lived in the area for a little while, and was a great source of tips on who had the best salads, brunch, and funky gift items. I did a little birthday shopping for my nephew, and we did some people watching.

The highlight of the afternoon was a trip to the Davis Theater for a matinee of the new Indiana Jones movie. The movie was surprisingly bad (Really. Bad acting. Bad dialogue. Boring story. Cheesy effects. Just plain bad.), but the movie house was awesomely old school. Cash only, two Cokes and a popcorn for under $10, with carpet and seats from sometime in the 70's. It reminded me a bit of the old Petite 3 Cinema in Kirksville. And they show first-run popcorn flicks. I know where I'll be spending my summer movie season.


rla said...

Finally got my blogging up to date and took time to get caught up on yours. Awesome reports, I am addicted to using this. Mom is loving it as well.

My phone woes were certainly a disappointment. Thankfully I took my laptap along and a camera, so not all was lost. I had lost connection ability thru West Virginia, but had it back in Arlington. ??? Lost it again for awhile in WV coming back. Interestingly had phone service tho. I had spend over two hours on the phone with a Sprint tech, who finally admitted she couldn't figure it out either. Then she became more interested in my blog and had pulled it up while talking with her. She asked permission to follow my exploits.

Anyway we are home, everything working right now, goint to the Sprint place today however and pursue it more.

Thanks so much for your sharing here and for your encouraging me to try it as will. I have received good commentst from cotravelers, especially regarding the ability of their loved ones to follow what is going on.


Anonymous said...

i agree about indy: bad. didn't like it, not even on an escapist entertainment level.