Thursday, May 15, 2008

Home SWEET Home

I had heard the familiar sounds of an ice cream truck in the streets of my neighborhood the first few evenings and hadn't really thought much about it. Then yesterday, while on my walk with Atlas, I saw a mother and daughter walking down the Street with their hands full of delicious waffle cones filled with ice cream. Knowing we were several blocks from the nearest commercial area, I was a little confused.

Turning the corner, I made an awesome discovery: parked in front of my own building was the above ice cream truck. Notice that, instaed of the standard ice cream novelties, this bad boy comes equipped with its own soft serve machine! It's like a Dairy Queen on wheels! Coming to my house five nights a week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that scooby doo on the truck?

wruhro raggy!