Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mt Atlas

Stories and updates about the pooch seem pretty popular. So here's the latest:

The back door to the apartment opens up to a gated cobblestone courtyard. All of the apartment fire escapes exit onto it. Since it's secure, and I can see out pretty easily, I'll sometimes leave the door open and allow him free reign to come and go.

Atlas being who he is, however, complications soon follow.

Being endlessly curious, any open stairway is an invitation to climb. So, if I don't watch him carefully, he'll make his way as high as he can go.

Being somewhat, um...dim, and stubborn, he gets confused and can't find his way down. The more I call to him, the more he looks around, sees another stairway, thinks it might be the one to lead him home, and up he goes, even higher.

If it weren't so maddening, it might be cute. Or vice versa.

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