Sunday, August 3, 2008

For the past several years, some counties in Missouri have offered tax-free weekends in August to help parents catch a break on back-to-school shopping. My sister and her husband have decided that this year the kids are old enough to be responsible for their own selections, so I was brought in as a consultant for my niece as she worked her way, meticulously, through the mall. Along the way, I was even able to knock out a little pre-headshot photo session shopping myself, and STILL got the tax break. Wa-hoo! Not to mention two pair of name brand jeans (one of them a "skinny" pair that look, I must say, to borrow a phrase from the 80's "boss" on me), each for under $15! Double the Wa, triple the hoo!
Let me tell you, these kids are more disciplined with money than I could ever dream to be. The counted every penny, worked every two-for-one sale and special promo they could. After about three hours, they each had several new items and had still only spent about 20% of their generous allowances. I blew more than that in my first 40 minutes.

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