Friday, July 25, 2008

Sandy Whiskers

Work has been a little rough again this week, and I have also felt a little like I've lost some focus in the past month, so I have been feeling a little down.

Being the ever-vigilant mental health professional, I started working my way through my positive coping skills: talk to a friend, do a little more exercising, prayer and reflection, problem solving with work dilemmas.

On Tuesday, I took Atlas to the local dog park, which reminded me of the one at the beach we went to on Memorial Day, which reminded me that I live about TWO MILES FROM A FRIGGIN' BEACH! What could possibly be better for a case of the blues than a mini-vacation to the shore?

So I loaded up the pooch, connected with my friend KKagogo, and headed for the sand last night after work.

We wandered over to the dog each first for a bit, where Atlas found a couple of labs he could pester for a bit. He doesn't have an ounce of tracker in him, so it was funny to see other pet owners throw tennis balls, which would be followed by a flurry of tails, which would then be followed by Atlas, who was just along for the ride.

He doesn't much care for the water, but loves a good wrestle, so it was not uncommon for me to call him to return and find his black "mask" completely covered in sand.

Pup worn out, we then walked the people portion of the beach, watched some soccer players, a few passes of a volleyball by some teenagers. A front was moving in , so there was a cool breeze, but not so cold that I needed sleeves. KKagogo and I, both transplants to the city, discussed our respective experiences while following the shoreline. It was beautiful outside, for sure, but even better just to have a substantive conversation with someone, especially someone uniquely empathetic to my recent transitions.

We ended the night in search of ice cream, eventually settling at a Baskin Robbins (two scoops--coconut and pistachio almond). I'm a fairly easy call on some things, I guess: comfort in a grand place; comfort in friends; comfort in a bowl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey pandi. glad to hear you are having some good times with friends. come see us soon.