Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I've mentioned before that Windy City politics are their own breed of business. Here's a great example:

Yesterday, a hearing was held by the city finance committee to introduce an ordinance which would require all cats and dogs over 6 mos old to be spayed or neutered. And who would happen to show up, but America's foremost spokesman for pet population control:

Seriously, Bob Barker showed up to testify in favor of a Chicago city ordinance! Want to know the best part? EVERYONE was talking about it today. I first heard about it on NPR. NPR! They mentioned it twice--TWICE--on my 45-minute commute to work this morning. It wasn't even the real vote, just an introductory meeting, and you know that SOMEONE in city politics felt it was necessary to pull ol' Bob out of some Palm Springs retirement community to weather (literally) Chicago in July.

What a ridiculous kick!

1 comment:

justinroche said...

When Bob testified, did he have that skinny microphone? I like to imagine that he keeps it with him at all times like it's his equivalent of Linus' blanket...