Sunday, July 6, 2008

Going Out to Sea...errr...Lake

I spent some time watching boats being loaded in, then later making their way out of the marina and into open water.

It reminded me of a period of my childhood when we lived in Florida. For a couple of years we had a boat and I have specific memories of my parents and older brother loading it into the water, which is a painstaking process at times, and then the relief of being in and ready to take off. It was a cool connection, a set of memories that hadn't been stirred in awhile.

Did make me miss my family a bit, though.

1 comment:

rla said...

Interesting that you would remember those days in Florida and the boat. Good days to reflect upon. Tonight Mom and I are in Grand Island, NE. On the way home, should be home tomorrow evening. I am too tired to update the blog tonight, will take care of the final postings when we get home. It has been a very good trip, and really enjoyed being able to check in on your world as well. Keeps up close.
