Friday, June 20, 2008

The Gentleman Lodger

For a little more than a month, it has just been me and the pooch and the Fire Alarm Lady (who has been thankfully quiet lately). It's been nice, and I had originally thought I would just keep the second bedroom open for the summer, but things have worked out otherwise.
Meet JR. That's not what he's really called, but I feel weird using real names on a public blog, so just go with me.
I met JR my first day of improv class, and after a couple of weeks he has decided that I am not a serial killer and agreed to rent the second bedroom for the summer. He would like to move up to Chicago full time after that, but it all depends on whether or not he can find a job. He currently works in eduation, so he has a couple of months to rassle something up.
JR is originally from Belleville, IL, so we can talk St. Louis stuff. He likes the theater, movies, TV, comics, and other imagination-y stuff, so we get to talk about that, too. He has worked with at-risk teens, so I think it means he's a good guy. He likes Chinese food and sushi and has experience with pug puppies, so he's not (too) intimdated by the pooch.
Here's a little Q&A so you can get to know him too:
AA: So, JR, do you have any immediate plans to murder me in my sleep or steal any of my stuff?
JR: (long pause), no but I did drop your toothbrush in the toilet.
AA: That's okay, because my dog has peed on your bed. Next question: Why are you moving to Chicago this summer?
JR: Second City, I hope to get as involved as possible and be able to stay up here to keep doing it.
AA: What's the farthest you have ever traveled from home?
JR: Which is farther, Florida or Texas? I love Florida and hate Texas. I really hate Georgia (ed. note: Savannah crew, try not to judge too soon).
AA: Toilet paper: against the wall, or over the top?
JR: Over the top. I can't stand it the other way.
AA: Me, too! [collective sigh of relief] Did you get some of that Orange Chicken left over from lunch?
JR: Yeah, it's good.
AA: I know. Yum-o! Well, I think that covers the basics. Any questions for me?
JR: When do I get to meet Jenna Fischer (ed. note: from TV's "The Office", she graduated from the same theater program I did and knows some of my Chicago theater friends)?
AA: I'm working on it. Word on the street is that she might come to the play we're seeing tonight.
JR: Really?
AA: Maybe. Just don't get your hopes up. And if she IS there, no drooling.
JR: [falls out of chair, blissed out grin on his face]
AA: Theater people! So dramatic!

1 comment:

Christine Gordon said...

No judgments here. Hi and welcome to JR.