Thursday, June 26, 2008

Extreme Makeunder: ChicagoBlogo Edition

As you can see, I've changed things around a bit. New color scheme, simplified format. Felt like it was time for a change. I think the darker background will do photos a little more justice, too.

Inspired by some blogging friends in Savannah, I've added some features to the layout: a news ticker for Chicago-specific happenings, YouTube video feed for stuff I find amusing and want to share (check out the Catherine Tate clips and news bloopers, guaranteed to lift the mood after a couple of hours spent in rush hour). Thinking of adding a few links, and maybe a way to post rotating items, like a new recipe or calendar of events. I've also simplified the name to "Chiblogo", although the URL will stay the same.

And there's a photo now, from the infamous lightsaber photo shoot.

I'm also going to try to post more frequently, with more "lifestyle" stuff, like things I'm reading, pop culture items, trends, current events, etc. The goal is to try not to be too obscure, nor too frivilous, but just feed the brain a little and, honestly, flex my writing skills. Let me know if you have any particular areas of interest you'd like to explore.

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