Friday, June 20, 2008

Jennawatch Update

Jenna DID attend the play tonight. She sat one row in front of us and two seats down.

We DID NOT get to meet her. She was mobbed by old acquaintences as soon as the show ended. Originally, the whole group was going to go to a pub after the show, but the plans changed to a house party hosted by someone I didn't know. Would have been awkward, so we bailed.

But we were in close vicinity for some time. Close enough that it would have been weird and a little too obvious to grab a cell phone pic.

We both agree that even though she is lovely and seems very nice, our lives do not feel significantly different.


Anonymous said...


amazing jenna watch: we just saw the 2nd & 3rd seasons because we are hip like that. then we drank some outrageously wonderful belgian beers, which aren't too terribly difficult to dig up 'round here. we've actually been very sick for a week or so, but still managed to make the coast of france for a holiday & some fantastic crepes! your hair is sassy we thinks & adds to the mystique of being pandi, like kip from the english patient or something similar though turban-less, sadly. we'll be eagerly awaiting your posts as always!


Anonymous said...

what? should've gone to the party.

Anonymous said...

You should have told me! Jenna and I go way back to Myspace, where we are friends (she sure has a lot of friends!). I could have let her know that you would be at the same play.....